The German VIC partners DVV and BUPNET have released an article on the project in the German magazine dis.kurs – the magazine of the German Volkshochschulen (adult education centres)
Please find the article on page 42 here.
Tag: adult educators
The VIC team invites you to its final conference in Thessaloniki on 16th of October, 2019.
Please find the conference agenda here.
The conference venue is: Aristotle University Research Dissemination Centre (KEDEA), 3is Septemvriou, Thessaloniki 546 36, Greece
The VIC consortium is waiting for you in Thessaloniki on 16th of October, 2019.
The VIC consortium invites you to the final conference of the VIC project. The conference will be hosted by our Greek partner Aristotle University on 16th of October, 2019 at 10.00 AM.
Apart from presenting the main outcomes and lessons learnt in terms of implementing the VIC approach on enhancing and validating integration competences, we will give space and time for discussions, exchanges, workshops, and networking, so that all participants can be part of the conference processes.
On February 4th, 2019, the opening workshop took place in Kassel. It was attended by nine adult eductors who work in different settings with refugees – coaching, language courses, vocational training.
The participants showed a great deal of interest in the project itself and were particulary interested in the general activities of the other VIC partners. Moreover, they were curious to learn more about the new opportunities provided by VIC: the e-learning platform – for some of them the first time they would do e-learning – and the validation of competences – a new concept for all of them.
In addition to this workshop, other workshops took place in Bonn carried out with trainers of DVV, and in Göttingen carried out with trainers of BUPNET.
The third newsletter presents the blended learning programme consisting of national workshops in each partner country, e-learning modules, and the piloting phase. The e-learning course aims to introduce our concept and to support adult educators to plan, deliver and evaluate innovative integration learning activities and eventually to validate the integration competences developed in these learning offers. Please download the newsletter here.
The VIC blended learning course is now available. It consists of: national workshops in each partner country, e-learning modules, and piloting phase. The e-learning course aims to introduce our concept and to support adult educators to plan, deliver and evaluate innovative integration learning activities and eventually to validate the integration competences developed in these learning offers.
The four learning modules provide a combination of theoretical input, learning activities and a variety of examples and practical tips on how to implement the VIC-approach in the daily work with your learners.
If you are interested to take part in the blended learning course, please don’t hesitate to contact one of the partner institutions
The second newsletter provides information on the validation system LEVEL that will be used in the context of the project. LEVEL5 will be one of the main elements of our VIC blended learning offer that will be available in autumn 2018.